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How to Choose the Best Trees for Your Front Yard

Front yard trees make your home feel welcoming, provide shade, and increase your home’s curb appeal. Good trees for the front yard aren’t fast-growing, so they won’t overgrow the space and are well suited for Atlanta’s hardiness zones.

Whether you want your trees to add beauty with fragrant spring flowers or create a wind block, front yard trees are functional and beautiful additions to your landscaping. With proper care and tree services, your trees remain healthy for as long as you live in your home.

Best Front Yard Tree for Wind Protection and Privacy

If your goal is to make your front yard more secluded or block high winds, consider evergreen trees. Their green foliage lasts all year, blocking wind, snow, and unwanted gazes from the street.

A Blue Point Juniper tree grows a foot a year and reaches 15 feet tall. It won’t overwhelm a small yard, but it provides a great natural barrier when planted in a row. They are one of the best shade trees for front yard landscaping because they are easily pruned into uniform conical shapes for a clean look.

Best Trees for Small Yards

If you have a small space to grow a tree, plant an ornamental tree like a Japanese Maple that never grows beyond 30 feet tall and 20 feet wide.

Japanese Maples have beautiful leaf colors for three seasons, and their intricate branch design is a pleasure to look at during winter when this deciduous tree loses its leaves.

Japanese Maples grow best in full sun or partial shade, and the more sun they get, the more vibrant their leaves come fall. They are one of the best small trees for front yards in Atlanta because they grow well in hardiness USDA zones 7a and 7b, which are Atlanta’s zones.

Best Trees for Beautiful Flowers

If your goal for your front yard trees is to bring some beauty to the neighborhood, opt for a Crepe Myrtle tree. Crepe Myrtles are among the best trees to plant in the front yard because they have pink flowering blooms from May until July. They also have beautifully textured peeling bark, and their vibrant green leaves remain until the first frost of winter.

Crepe Myrtles are among the best front yard landscape trees because they come in many size options, from small bushes to 25-foot tall trees. You can outfit your yard with a Crepe Myrtle, as long as you have a patch of ground that gets six hours a day of full sun.

Make Your Front Yard Tree Ideal for Your Needs

There are numerous front yard trees to choose from. Large evergreens offer ample shade in early spring, while flowering trees or trees with colorful foliage are ideal if you want beautiful colors in the fall. Remember to take care of your front yard trees with regular servicing, pruning, and anti-insect spraying.

At PayLess Tree Services Division, we are experienced in caring for tree species local to Atlanta. Our landscaping and tree service expertise ranges from stump grinding to proper pruning that ensures a big summer bloom. Contact us today to learn more about tree care and maintenance.